Echo of Photons

Susann Carmen Jagodzińska
December 18, 2022
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Echo of Photons is a testimony and documentation of an intimate interior process: the complex phase of awakening to the constructed self. It talks about the process in which I am getting awareness of the experience of my heart and mental fragmentation. It leads to the fall of old structures. It brings a rediscovery of the self and a deeper understanding of the individual and generational trauma and the pain rooted deep inside the field of our collective consciousness. This process lets the awareness surface, the awareness of the pain caused by alienation by being separated from nature. It tries to grasp what it means to embody nature. It lets nature lead the waves of conscious evolution. It also means not letting fear and pain decide our future. I don't intend to frame a settled time and space in my photographic work. I see my work as something that doesn't have a past or a future. It is intuitive. I see it as a retrieval of consciousness and memories. It is a form of merging with what is without becoming absorbed by it. My work is an observation, an evocation of sensations that helps me to ground and give validation to my experiences that do not search for a fixed story to be told. Accompanied by a poem, it forms a puzzle in which a larger picture is created out of the fragmented self and which gives space for my memory to surface.

Susann Carmen Jagodzińska is a polish-german photographer, writer and filmmaker based in France. Through her work, she tries to make the constructed self and its belief systems visible, questioning its origin. So that memory and remembrance of the intuitive self can emerge. She studied Philosophy & Ethnology at the University Bremen, Germany (B.A) with an exchange at the 愛知大学 -Aichi Daigaku, Nagoya, Japan. As also, Film, Esthetic & Creation at the Sorbonne Pantheon University Paris 1, France (M.A). In 2022 her first photo-text book -ECHO OF PHOTONS- got published by Ceeditions. Her first short film - SHORE - was shot in 2019, and after this film, essays -BETWEEN EARTH AND SKY- in 2020 and -MORNING DEW- in 2021 were made. A film -music -poem -INITIALE- was shot with the collaboration of Maria Valentina Chirico also in 2021. Currently, she works on -I AM A WAVE- and -NO ONES CHILD-.
Susann Carmen Jagodzińska
December 18, 2022
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