A Woman’s Work – Creative Europe EU

Gallery of Photography
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© Hanna Modigh | Delta

March - April: Hannah Modigh - Delta
In Delta Hannah Modigh reflects on her immediate surroundings in a deeply personal series touching on universal human experiences of birth, sexuality and death. A deeper representation of the exhibition has been made available online at www.galleryofphotography.ie  with a new video tour coming online soon.

A Woman’s WorkCreative Europe EU programme exploring women’s work. We are presenting virtual exhibitions by acclaimed artists Hannah Modigh (Sweden) and Maria Kapajeva (Estonia). The symposium for A Woman’s Work in collaboration with our Creative Europe EU partners planned for April will now take place in September 2020.
Image from The Bright Way 2017 by Maria Kapajeva

Supporting Artists:
As the national centre for photography in Ireland, we are passionate about supporting artists. We welcome the ongoing support we have received from the Arts Council, and we confirm that we will be honouring the payment of fees for all our in-house and touring exhibitions scheduled for 2020, whether they physically take place or not.

Gallery of Photography
March 1, 2020
April 30, 2020
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