

The name Artdoc refers to our vision of photography. The two fields of art photography and documentary photography have merged, and contemporary photography is a blend of mirrors and windows. Photography is a tool to communicate about the world that surrounds us and our feelings about it.  

We believe that photography is the most relevant global plastic form of art. Photography is the visual storytelling medium of our time, and it's deeply pervaded in the veins of our society and culture.

Professional photographers tell stories that matter and can influence thoughts and feelings about ourselves and about our society, whereas the conventional media is continually constricted by political and corporates interests, while visual storytellers are the consciousness of modern society.  
The art of photography is not limited to the aesthetics of the images themselves but encompasses the story behind them. Photography is the art that combines reality and vision, feeling and truth, psychological depth, and political awareness.

Artdoc regularly publishes engaging and high-quality portfolios of established and emerging photographers from all countries of all continents. The collections are accompanied by in-depth interviews with the published visual artists. Artdoc is always keen to discover talented photographers. In the interviews, photographers explain their style, working technique, and the visions behind their artwork.  
Artdoc publishes news from photo museums and photo festivals all over the world. Artdoc keeps contact with all major institutions and brings relevant updates about events and developments in the field of photography. The resources page has enough information about museums, schools, festivals, awards, and publishers, and the book department will contain all the most important photo books (recent and historical), as well as books about the history of photography and the theory of photography.

Artdoc wants to stimulate the philosophical debates about image culture and the context in which image-makers produce and show their work. By bringing critical and theoretical writing, we foster developments in thinking about visual communication and the impact it has on our culture.

Photography is the art that combines reality and vision, feeling and truth, psychological depth, and political awareness.

- The Artdoc Team