In search of femininity

Daria Dar
August 27, 2021
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Since childhood, I have heard the phrase “you’re a girl!”. As I got older, the phrase began to sound differently “you are not feminine.” As I grew older, my opinion about what is femininity changed. At first, it seemed that to be feminine, you have to put on a lot of makeup on your face, wear dresses, walk with your hair down. Then this opinion was transformed into the fact that the girl who gave birth to the child is feminine. I grew up in a patriarchal family, where specific requirements were imposed on a girl-woman: to run a household, to be beautiful, to inspire, to be obedient, not to contradict my father or husband, not to load with bad mood and problems, hide my emotions, get married, have children, be gentle, smooth in movements, calm, do not stand out, wear dresses and bras with a push-up. And so I grew up, but the understanding of what is femininity never came. My assemblages are searching for an answer, a rethinking of clichés and patterns from an early age. I dress up my cut-out self-portraits like paper dolls in my childhood, attach long hair, put on makeup, dress in “feminine”.

Daria Dar was born in 1991 in the city of Klin (Moscow region). She lives and works in Rostov-on-Don. In 2013 she graduated from the Rostov State Economic University of the RINH in marketing with honours. Since 2015, she has been teaching and curating students at the ShkAF photography school. Since 2014 he has been working with brands (advertising photography). She completed training at DocDocDoc in documentary photography and photojournalism (2016/17), experiences of modern photography (2019/20). She published in Takie Dela, Bird In Flight, The Calvert Journal, a Young Photographers of Russia exhibition (Longlist 2015, 2021). In personal projects, she explores the topic of motherhood, memory, psychological and physical trauma.
Daria Dar
August 27, 2021